Sempiternal Adventures Is Changing

August 26, 2017

I started this blog over three years ago. I was fourteen at the time and life was totally different. I can barely explain all that has happened over the past few years and that is why I've decided to make some big changes.

I am no longer the same person I was when I started this blog. I have grown and I have discovered new parts of myself. It's only natural that my blog continues to grow with me.

Sempiternal Adventures has always been a place for me to write about my life and all the things I find interesting. I love fashion and I probably always will but I think it's time for me to try something a little different. I have decided to focus on technology, design, coding and lifestyle.

Thank you to everyone who has visited this little blog of mine. It means the world to me and I hope we can embark on this new journey together!

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