I won a giveaway!

February 15, 2016

A couple of months ago Joanny  hosted a giveaway for her blogiversary. The giveaway was for a filofax journal which I so desperately needed. I always love all of Joanny's posts about her filofax.  I never expected to win but after some time I was informed that I had won the giveaway.  I have entered so many giveaways and competitions without winning I was starting to think it was impossible or that I had some sort of bad luck. Getting the filofax was quite a hassle. We went through some ups and downs but it finally arrived and I'm not any less excited.  It arrived just when I needed it most and I can't wait to share it!  

As you can see it is a lovely purple hue and has a cute floral design. I love how small it is and I will probably carry it with me at all times. Joanny included some stickers to help me get started and I promise you that this just made my life 100 times better. There stickers are so adorable and I can't wait to use them. While flipping through the journal I came a across a lovely note saying 'Always be positive'. I will be sure to go back to it when things aren't going my way. 

Joanny also included this wonderful quote which is now stuck on my wall as well as a sweet letter. I love how personal this gift is and to think that it came all the way from the other side of the world. It was definitely worth the wait and I'm so eager to fill up all the pages!

Have you ever won a giveaway? 

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  1. Yay!!! Its such a relief to see that you finally have it with you after almost 6 months on the road. I had even forgotten about "Always be positive" note but I'm glad you love your items.
    Joanny :)

  2. Ah this filofax is adorable, I love the stickers too. I'm a bit of a planner obsessive and I've started posting my planner layouts which you might like :) I won a blog giveaway years ago - it was only a pair of false lashes but I was still super excited!

    ox Lucy // theonewithlucy.blogspot.com

  3. Aw! What an adorable present. Be sure to make a post about how you use it. I am sure it's gonna be creative. Wink.
    I have won a few giveaways and trust me, it's always a great feeling.

    Noor | Noor's Place

    1. I definitely will! It is such an awesome feeling!

  4. yay congratulations!! It's so lovely!

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