I cannot believe it's been two years already! On June 30 2014 I spent a couple of hours looking for the perfect name for my little corner on the internet. I didn't put much thought into it and had no plan whatsoever for what then was, hashtag-tshego.blogspot.com. Fast forward to today and I'm really starting to think that, that was the best decision I have ever made. It's been an amazing journey and I really appreciate everyone who reads this blog. I've learned, I've grown and I've changed. Here are fifteen things I learned in my 2 years of blogging. I'm looking forward more years of learning, blogging and so much more.
1. Blogging is actually a lot of hard work.
Last year I decided to put more effort into my blog. I'm glad I did but I realised it is not as easy as I thought. Sometimes it's hard to find time, taking pictures is not always easy and sometimes life just gets in the way.
2. Bloggers don't bite
I started participating in quite a few chats last year and I got to talk to so many amazing bloggers some of which I now consider as friends. It's wonderful to know that there are so many like minded people. I can't believe it took me so long to realise that.
3. There are no rules
I used to try to follow a certain niche and stick to certain types of posts. This is my blog and I make my own rules. It's all about doing what makes me happy!
4. Sometimes you need to take a break
Many things can come between you and blogging and sometimes it's okay to put yourself first.
5. Comparison is not the the key
It so easy to compare yourself with other bloggers. Their photography is much better, their writing style seems perfect and their blog template is so much cooler than yours. What I always remind myself is that this is not a competition. As I mentioned before, it's all about doing what makes you happy.
6. Be yourself
This one ties in with number three. You don't have to do something just because everyone else is doing it. It's all about doing what you love and what you believe in.
7. Numbers aren't everything
Last year more and more people started reading my blog this little blog of mine and I have to admit, it was exciting. I went from never looking at my stats to looking at them several times a day. I know it's different for everyone but I decided that it's more important to do what I love rather than wonder how many people love what I do.
8. Ideas will come
Sometimes my mind goes completely blank and I have no idea what to write about. I've learnt that I shouldn't worry too much about that because some days I have so many ideas I can hardly contain them.
9. A schedule makes life easier
I was always against schedules because I didn't want my life to feel like a routine. I'm not really that good at following schedules but at times when I did have one my life was way easier. I knew when what had to be done and it was that simple. I have a new schedule now and I really hope I can stick to it.
10. You'll get better
When I look at my earlier posts I cringe. I've come such a long way. My writing and photography have improved so much. It's quite amazing when I look at all my posts, it's almost like looking at a time line of some sort.
11. People actually read my blog
It's so crazy that people actually read my blog and actually like it. Every comment makes me so excited and it keeps me going. So to you who is reading this right now, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
12. Don't be afraid to ask
There are so many amazing bloggers and brands out there. I've learnt that if you want to work with them you are going to have to ask. The worst thing that could happen is that they say no or they ignore you and you move on. You never know unless you try.
13. Don't be afraid to try new things
Since starting my blog I have been introduced to a whole new world. It's quite exciting and has encouraged me to try new things. One of the best things I've done is learning how to draw.
14. You can actually make a decent amount of money blogging
I didn't make any money in my first year of blogging. I didn't even know how it all worked. Now I've made a couple of bucks and it is amazing. It's wonderful to know that I can make money doing what I love.
15. Don't let anyone stop you from doing what you enjoy
People always have something to say but you know what? Haters gonna hate, potatoes gonna potate. I really love blogging and starting blog my two years ago was the best decision I ever made. It has opened many doors for me and introduced me to a whole new world where I can be myself. I have so many plans for the future and I'm looking forward to many more years of blogging. Man I am glad I started this blog.
Here's to many more adventures!
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