A Look Into My Art Journal

June 17, 2016

I haven't posted one of these in ages.  Even though I haven't been journaling as much as I would like I'm still at it. I find the whole process quite therapeutic. I don't even put much thought in what I'm doing. I take out my art journal and begin to create something. 

What I'm loving at the moment is watercolour paint. I just find it so beautiful and I really want to use it more.  I also love how it doesn't cause the paper in my journal to crumble.  I also love how watercolour blends and how it simply spreads easily.  The whole process of creating art with watercolour paint is simply magical. 

What I love the most about journaling is writing poetry. I used to write a lot of poetry which I used to post on my Tumblr (internetxmermaid.tumblr.com). It makes me happy that I can use just a few words to say something important.  I don't  really know why I stopped posting my poetry on Tumblr but journaling has made me keep writing. I absolutely love it and I hope I never stop. 

Here are a couple of pages from my art journal.  I don't really know how to explain them so it's up to you to interpret them. 

Do you have an art journal? 

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  1. I love this post, I'm glad you shared your latest pieces from the art journal with us! You are so talented, I love all of them :)

    Valentina from fashionwithvalentina.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you so much Valentina! I'm glad you like them.

  2. So cool! Watercolor is really fun to play around with. I've had art journals in the past, but now I'm mostly just doodling in my bullet journal rather than having a proper art journal like I used to.

    - Courtney

    1. I've heard so many people talk about bullet journaling recently, I should definitely take a look at it and maybe try it out.

  3. Loved having a look inside your art journal. I have always loved looking into your art journals. Thanks for sharing with us.
