Exam Survival Guide 2016

October 23, 2016

It's that time of the year again, exams are just a week away.  I absolutely dislike exams and studying but I know that it has to be done. These exams are very important because I'll be using these exam marks to apply for university and that's scary. I have to try my best and I have a few tricks that help me study. These tricks work for me and hopefully they'll help you out as well. 

It easy to find yourself studying all day and all night during the exams. It might seem like a good thing but you need to rest and get some rest. Find a balance between studying and everything else.

Make a schedule 
Schedules save lives, well, they saved mine. Plan when you are going to study which subject. Leave enough time for each subject and don't forget to take breaks.

Test yourself 
Recently I have been finding this very effective. I study for a couple of hours and then I go through the past papers. It helps me see how well I understand the work and helps me get familiar with the way the questions are asked.

Make notes
Making notes takes a lot of time but I can tell you that it helps a lot. Writing down the work is a great way to remember it better and when you write out the work you can summaries it.

Colour Code
This is something else that I love. I write out different sections of the work in different colours. This definitely helps me remember the work and my notes look pretty. It also adds a bit of fun to the whole process as I tend to doodle as well.

Find a study area
I think this is one of the most important aspects of studying. I can't study unless it's quiet. I also cannot study with a lot of people. Find what works for you and stick to it.

Never forget that your mental health is way more important than school. Wishing you all the best for the exams! You got this.

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  1. I definitely wish I had listened to these tips when I was doing exams, especially to rest and treat yourself. That's so important. Loved this post :)


    1. Thanks! I hope I always remember to follow these tips.
