Out With The Old, In With The New

November 01, 2016

I have been MIA for the past week. I have been stressing a lot about these exams because I'm going to use these marks to apply for university and all the thoughts running through my head have just been overwhelming. What do I even want to study? Am I going to qualify? Do I even want to go to university? So, now I haves calmed done a bit and will just be chatting in this post.

A lot of the thinking I did also included my blog. I have been trying to fit my blog into a certain category and that just isn't working for me. I want my blog to be more of a creative space with new and exciting ideas. I don't even know what that is but I'm going to be changing things up a bit. I'm really excited but I still have to study for exams so all the new stuff will be up in a couple weeks. So watch this space.

I love YouTube, that's where I started after all and lately I've been spending a lot of time on there. This has made me want to make more videos. I have made a couple of videos recently but I want to add a creative touch to them.

I really don't know what to expect in the future but I am excited. I know I want to make some changes and I'll see where that takes me. I'm starting a new chapter and maybe even a new book!

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  1. These sound like great changes, wishing you the best of luck with your blog and youtube :)

