Swimwear Wishlist*
September 15, 2016
Spring is here! Well, the spring weather is still on the way but we are getting there and I'm excited. Anything spring related never fails to make me happy. Flowers, the weather, ice cream and , of course, bikinis. I was only introduced to Zaful recently but I'm already loving their items. I picked out a couple of bikinis and now I wish the items I put on my wishlist would magically appear in my closet.
I am currently loving this print whether it's a lock screen, on a notebook and just about anything else. It always looks amazing and when I saw it on this bikini I just fell in love.
Another thing that I absolutely love has to be halter tops. They are just so pretty and they just add fun twist to things. This bikini set is so beautiful yet simple. I love how only two colours were used. It's an interesting contrast and definitely complements the halter top.
What says spring more than floral prints? Floral prints are also something that I'm not usually into but when it comes to bikinis you've got to break the rules from time to time.
Cutout neck tops have been quite popular lately. Now put that style on a costume and you've got yourself something interesting. It totally transforms this simple black one piece on into something amazing and I love it!
I would never even think about wearing this print with any other piece of clothing but this swimming costume makes it look fabulous. I feel like everything works so well together, the prints, they keyhole neck and the long sleeves. It also makes me wish I was at the beach.
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