How I Promote My Blog

September 06, 2016

When I look back to this time last year I can't help but notice how much my blog has grown since then. It really makes me happy. I think one of the main reasons of this success is that I have been promoting my blog a lot more. Yes it can be kind of weird at times but it's worth it. I use a couple of platforms to advertise my blog which all play an important part in the growth of my blog and hopefully my experience will help you too.

Twitter has to be number one. This is where most of my readers come from. So you should probably follow me. I schedule a couple of tweets a day with links to my blog. Scheduling tweets is probably one of the things I hate the most but it really pays off. I also include hashtags in my tweets and tag a couple of retweet accounts so that my posts can reach a wider audience. Twitter chats are probably the best part. I get to talk to likeminded people and then swap links afterwards. How awesome is that?

My Instagram is not focused on my blog. It's a mixture between my daily life and some blog stuff and that's how I like it. I include a couple of "blogger" hashtags if I can put it that way and it helps other bloggers find my account and therefore, the link to my blog.

This is another platform I find very effective. I am part a couple of blogging groups both big and small. I find that it is useful to have a combination of both because the bigger groups help you reach a wider audience and the smaller groups are more personal and you can help each other out.

Google Plus 
I am also part of several communities on Google plus and I find it very useful. Just like on Facebook I get to promote my blog to thousands of people, I can also read some interesting blog related topics and find some cool new blogs.

Word of mouth 
When I started blog I kept it to myself. I never really shared it with anyone but these days everyone knows. Friends, family, people at school and basically anyone else who is interested will know. I've also been to a couple of events and they are wonderful for promoting my blog. It may seem a bit narcissistic but when you start talking about something you are passionate about, it's hard to stop.

I also use a couple other platforms to advertise my blog such as Pinterest, Tumblr and YouTube but I don't use them as often nor do I find them as effective as the platforms mentioned above.

How do you promote your blog?

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  1. I really need to work more at promoting my blog through Twitter. Great post!

    xo, Liz
