Back To School

July 25, 2017

I have 4 months of high school left. I am filled with a mixture of emotions but mostly excitement. I am looking forward to life after high school. However, I have a whole bunch of exams to write before I get there. After seeing some of my June exam results, I've realised that I have to make some changes to my strategy. So, here's the plan:

1. Time management
I have a lot of time on my hands but using it wisely is not my strong point. I just have to allocate time for work and play.

2. Bullet journal
A few months ago I stopped using my bullet journal. It wasn't the best decision so I'm back at it again. However, this time around I'm only going to focus on organising my life and not making it look pretty.

3. Multitasking
For many years I told myself I could study while watching T.V. Turns out I was wrong and I need to stop doing it as soon as possible.

4. The little things
I think it's time to stop leaving everything for the last minute and start doing small things everyday. It's the small things that mean the most after all.

I'm ready to kill my preliminary exams and my finals! Let's do this. I'd also appreciate any tips you might have for me.

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  1. All the best for the rest of matric!

  2. Good look with your exams - I find working and studying easiest when I do it in small bite size chunks.

    1. Thank you! I will definitely try that study method.

  3. All the best for finals! So weird to think that this time last year I was where you are... Make the most of it. <3

    1. Thank you, I definitely make the most of it.
