2016 Blogging Goals♡

January 01, 2016

It's the first day of 2016. Can you believe it?  Last year was one crazy roller coaster ride but I must say it has been a great one blog wise. I learnt so much and I have grown so much as a blogger especially in the last few months.  I've gotten to work with some pretty amazing brands and I have met some cool people. I did not expect any of this when I started but I wouldn't want it any other way now. As we begin 2016 I have set myself some blog related goals. I was a bit hesitant about sharing them but I thought why not?  It will surely help me stay focused and motivated to work towards them.

Get Organised:
I think I have a lot of time on my hands but I just don't know how to use it effectively. I have been planning and scheduling posts recently which has been helping a great deal. I think I need to write things down more often and do things as soon as I can. I just need a really pretty diary and I'll be sorted. 

Create a schedule:
I usually post on random days but I decided that it's time I come up with some kind of routine. I obviously need to get organised first but I'm getting there. 

My photography has improved so much since I started. I cringe when I look at my old pictures. Tshegofatso how can you use a different filter for every picture in one post? I don't know what I was thinking but I have come a long way and I still have a long way to go. 

Triple My Traffic:
It's a bit ambitious but have seen my blog traffic steadily increase in the past few months and I happy with that. It's so amazing to see that so many people read my little blog. In 2016 I hope to reach a wider audience and maybe even imspire some people! 

Blogger Friends:
I don't think I have enough friends who are bloggers. It would be wonderful to have a conversation with someone and they just understand what I'm talking about. You feel me?

That is where it all began. I started making Youtube videos before I started blogging and somehow I just stopped making them. I spend all my time watching Youtube videos and in the new year I hope more of my own. It's always fun to make them, I love being in front and behind the camera! 

I really enjoy writing but my blog is the only platform where I do this at the moment. I would love to write for some magazines whether online or hard copy. It just be amazing to share my work.

Social media:
I would like to grow my social media following this year. It wouldn't hurt to have a couple more followers, right? I think it will really benefit my blog and help me reach a wider audience. 

Blogger Events:
This is a crazy one because I'm probably the most socially awkward person you'll ever meet. I just don't do well in social situations but seeing pictures and videos of blogger events has definitely made me want to attend a few. They look fun and it would be fantastic to meet some like minded people. 

What are some of your goals for 2016? 

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  1. You have some great goals, I definitely want to do some of these things!


  2. Good luck with your goals, girl!

    Noor | Noor's Place

  3. I'm hoping to increase my traffic too, and I really want to improve my photography!

    Lilies and Lipbalm

  4. These are all great goals!! I want to find more blogger friends too! Love your blog :)

  5. All these goals sound interesting, I would also love to improve my photography. Great post <3

    Valentina from FASHION with VALENTINA.

  6. this basically sums up my blogging goals lol. Sigh. I wish I had a go-to-can't-fail guide that just lists everything that I need to do to accomplish all. -new follower- I invite you to take a look at my blog. :) Happy New Year
    Olive Needs Popeye

    1. A guide would be so helpful! I'll definitely take a look at your bkog!

  7. I feel you with these goals.
    Getting organised and having a schedule are two I have as well, kind of. My life is busy with studying at college, but I'm trying to organise myself by having a new post every Saturday, and a new video every Friday (definitely the same with Youtube before Blogging. I started making videos when I was 16, started blogging at 20 and this year I'll be 22!) I wish you all the best in reaching these goals, I have no doubt you'll manage it :)

    ~ Gail www.sherbet-aurora.co.uk

    1. Wow that's amazing! I believe that creating a schedule that won't put pressure on you is ideal. Thank you so much!

  8. Good luck! :-) I need to work on my traffic this year too and my different social medias. There is so many different things to work on! x

    Tamz | http://www.throughneweyesx.com

    1. I know but we can achieve it through hard work and perseverance.

  9. I definitely need to have a blogging goals this year too. hoping all the best for you in 2016 and I can't wait to see more of your amazing blog posts<3
    www.rebelrebel.co x

    1. Blogging goals are great to help you stay motivated. Thank you Melisa!

  10. Love your photo at the start and some great goals to go along it X


  11. I love your goals! It's so great to reflect on what you want to achieve.

    Liza xx


    1. Thanks, reflecting definitely helps one stay on track.

  12. You have some really good goals and I think it's nice to reflect and have things to give you motivation! x

    The Perks Of Meg

    1. Knowing what I want to achieve really helps me stay motivated!

  13. these are some great goals and they also sound achievable, so good luck! and happy new year:-) x

    1. Thank you, happy new year to you too. Hope you have a wonderful 2016!

  14. Happy New Year! I hope you achieve all of your blogging goals this year. Good luck! I would love to increase blog traffic to my blog too and make blogger friends. Hopefully we can keep in touch. I'm looking forward to your next blog post!


  15. Great goals!
    I've had some of these for the past years, which is a bit sad, but hopefully I will be more motivated this year.

    And about making blogger friends, I'm going to steal this one. I use to have some internet friends but I lost touch once I started university, but I do miss random chats with intelligent people, which you seem to be.

    So if you ever feel like talking, send me a message or email. :)

    Either way, I really enjoyed browsing through your blog. I've recently started my own blog and I would love to know what you think about it. That is only if you have the time.

    If you do decide to give it a quick read, you can find it at ---> https://anasdomain.wordpress.com/ .

    Lots of love,

    1. Thank you, this is so sweet! I'll definitely take a look at your blog! Good luck with your goals.

  16. Fab goals! I definitely want to start a blog schedule this year. I was doing well with every other day at one point last year but I think I'm going to stick to three a week under the same theme this time around :)

    Victoria xx thedaisyjaynes.com

  17. Wow...nice goals...my main goal is to create more and more networking, new bloggers and friends and grow my social media

    1. Thanks! Those are great goals, you can reach them!

  18. I like your goals and they seem do-able, right? I'm sure you will reach them :)
    X Marloes

  19. This post was really good! I really like your blog! :)

  20. These are great goals and I really hope you achieve and have no doubt that you will. I set some similar goals, and I think they're as do-able as yours. I love your blog!

    Jemima x

  21. Great list. You should give us an update on how far you got :)

  22. I love your goals that you set up! I am getting my notebook out now to write my goals! Thank you for the inspiration!

    1. I'm so glad I could inspire you! All the best!
