2020 has been a bit of a crazy year. It almost feels like everything that can go wrong is going wrong. We have been in quarantine for almost 2 months now. I cannot believe how long it has been! However, I have used this time to focus on myself and figure out what I want in life.
Photowall, a Swedish wall-art company sent me this beautiful poster. I absolutely love this quote. It's keeping me going through these times. It really inspires me because it reminds me that no dreams are too big and that if you set your mind to something you can achieve it. Even though we're facing times of uncertainty we can still we can still work on ourselves and our goals.
Sometimes life may feel a bit crazy but never give up on your dreams. You can create the life you imagine. The road to getting there may not be easy but it's all about moving forward, no matter how slow you may be going.
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