Top 3 Hand Lotions

November 09, 2015

I have learnt the importance of keeping healthy hands. It took me a while to realise this but I have been taking several steps to taking better care of my hands and nails. In this post I'll be sharing the three hand lotions I always use

La Parfum Crème Trinitè M'adore
I might not be able to pronounce the name or tell you what it means but there are a few things that I can tell you about this hand lotion. It leaves your hands feeling hydrated while leaving behind a lovely shimmer. The hand lotion is fragranced with Orange and Cedar Wood, Sandalwood, vanilla and musk. If you have no idea how that smells, it almost like what a bunch of roses smells like. I have found that the scent can be a little strong and overpowering but it contains tiny specks of glitter so I'm happy. 

Nivea Body Moisturiser
This is no newcomer to my blog. Thanks to its petite size I can carry this little lotion wherever I go. I don't just use it for my hands but for whichever other body part may need moisturising throughout the day. This body moisturiser is rich and contains hydra IQ which aims at nourishing and hydrating dry skin. I have however, noticed that it wears of rather quickly but it's nothing more lotion won't fix. More is more, right?

Oh So Heavenly: Happy Hands
The name says it all. This hand lotion is currently my hands' best friend and I featured it in my '6 Easy Steps To Get Healthier Hands And Nails' post. I love its subtle scent of Milk and Yoghurt. These two ingredients also help nourish and hydrate the skin. It contains to provide the skin with vital hydration and make the skin more soft andvsupple. I'm very happy with the results and I think it's the ultimate way to give your hands the attention they need. 

Have you tried any of these lotions? What are your favourite hand care products? 

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  1. Gosh! Nivea Body Moisturiser is bae (is it right to say that? lol). I always stock it up before winter arrives. It's the best one I've ever come across, probably because of my dry skin.
    I also got a hand moisturiser from Bath & Body Works. It smells heavenly. Though it doesn't last long, it's still a good product.

    Noor | Noor's Place

  2. Im from the #lbloggers chat today and had to stop by your blog! Its absolutely amazing and i love this post and the Nivea moisturizer too! One of my faves! Cant wait to see more posts from you! Followed your other social medias too! Xxx
