10 Things I Learnt In 2015♡

December 13, 2015

This year has been a crazy one indeed although I am happy that it's coming to an end I did learn quite a few important lessons that I will keep with me forever. 

1. Life is not fair. Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. That's just the way it is and it's not about to change anytime soon.  

 2. If it makes you happy do it. Don't be afraid of what people will say because whatever you do someone will always have something to say. Thinking about yourself and your wellbeing is not selfish. 

 3. You'll never know unless you try. As Walt Disney once said, " If you can dream it, you can do it. " 

 4. You have to work hard for what you want. Nothing will be handed to you on a platter. You can have whatever you are willing to struggle for.  

 5. It's okay to cry. Cry when you have to, then wipe away your tears and pick yourself up. 

 6. School is important but your mental health is way more important.  

 7. Bad days don't last forever but neither do the good days. So, enjoy the good times and accept the tough times. 

 8. You are going to fail, maybe even a couple of times but failing is part of succeeding. Be patient.  

 9. Everyone is facing their own problems. Be kind and help where you can.

10. Breathe in, breathe out. Everything will be okay maybe not today or tomorrow but remember that the storm will pass. 

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  1. This is such a lovely post, love it. I totally agree with everything, whatever happens we have to think positive and think about good things in our lives. And most importantly be nice to other people <3

    Valentina from FASHION with VALENTINA.

    1. Thanks Valentina, being positive makes everything better!

  2. Such a great post. Loved all ur lessons. I cldnt agree more with all of them.
    Joanny 😊

    1. Thanks Joanny, I'm just happy I learnt new things from all that happened this year.

  3. That's kinda exactly what I needed to read right now... Especially 6. and 7. I am a real school-freak (or grade-freak, maybe), which took me to the verge of anxiety and depression once. I also wrote a post for the end of the 2015 - or rather beginning of 2016 - but it's rather about my resolutions that past lessons. But still, here it is :) - http://spatial-synapses.blogspot.com/2016/01/new-year-new-me-naah.html

    1. I'm sorry to hear that, I'll definitely have a look at your post.

  4. I agree with everything you said, but I feel like I could relate to #2 and #3 most! x

    1. They are quite important lessons! I'm glad 2015 taught us something.
